Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 08 Feb 2016

Final Acceptance for the 1,0M-t/y Danieli MiniMill at POSCO SS Vina Vietnam

On December 17th, 2015, POSCO SS-VINA and DANIELI successfully completed the commissioning of the new 1,0 Mt/y MiniMill Plant at the Ba Ria Works, in the Phu My Industrial Zone, and signed its Final Acceptance Certificate.

The POSCO SS VINA MiniMill Plant is the second complete greenfield MiniMill installed by the Danieli Group in Vietnam in the recent years. The new plant's production cycle embraces the complete range of production processes, from scrap processing to steel melting, secondary refining, billet and beam-blank conticasting, as well as two hot-rolling mills for the production of:

- Billets up to 160 mm, blooms up to 200x300 mm and beam blanks;
- Deformed rounds from 10 to 61 mm dia, H-beams up to 700 mm, equal angles up to 200 mm, unequal angles up to 300x90 mm, and channels up to 400 mm in order to satisfy the growing demand for construction-grade steel products in the domestic market.

The plant also is capable of producing track shoes, sheet piles and rails for local markets and neighboring countries. The green-field steel complex includes all auxiliary plants and services (i.e., WTP, compressed air, workshops, laboratories, etc.), while Danieli Automation supplied all electricals and an advanced level 1, 2 and 3 automation system for the whole plant.

All these activities have been possible thanks to the solid partnership of the two companies, and the close cooperation of the two teams involved, showing their readiness to face future challenges together.