Posted on 18 Apr 2014
A steelworks supplied by SMS Siemag, has been commissioned by the Taiwanese steelmaker, Fuxin Special Steel Co.
The plant, at Zhangzhou in the Chinese Fujian province, will manufacture stainless steel slabs and is the first of its kind to use waste heat from the AOD converter and electric arc furnace, reducing emissions by 60kt of CO2 per year.
According to SMS, the plant has an annual capacity of 720kt and comprises a special steel plant, a continuous slab caster and environmental facilities for gas cleaning and energy recovery.
There is also a 160-tonne electric arc furnace with tapping spout, a 180-tonne AOD-L converter and a 180-tonne ladle furnace. The AOD converter, says SMS, is relined using a special changing car and is changed twice as quickly as conventional set-ups, the company claims.
Primary emissions are extracted via cooled stacks and fed to two bag filters. The EAF and AOD converter are provided with enclosures for efficient capture of dust-laden secondary emissions, claims SMS. Additional dust produced will be captured and extracted.
The filters of the gas cleaning systems are designed for more than 2.3 million cubic metres of air per hour and the plant is equipped with an Ecoplants energy recovery system; this utilises thermal energy from hot waste gases of more than 2,000 deg C from the EAF and AOD and produces steam, which is fed into the network and used to cool electrical units.