Posted on 16 Nov 2012
Tenaris's Research and Development Center in Veracruz, Mexico was recognized with the first place prize among research projects presented during the "Failure Analysis Conference", organized by the Argentine Iron and Steel Institute (IAS). At the event, which was held in November 2010, the team presented the article "Increasing Fatigue Life in Circumferential Welding applied to Steel Catenary Risers, based on Failure Analysis".
The R&D team received the award during the opening ceremony of the 19th Rolling Conference and 6th Steel Usage Conference organized by the IAS. The event was held on November 5 in the city of Rosario, Argentina and gathered 350 participants including delegations from Brazil, Mexico, USA and Europe.
The research project started in 2008 and involved the areas of Fracture Mechanics and Welding Technology. Fatigue tests were performed at the full-scale testing laboratory.
Israel Marines, Fracture Mechanics Manager at the R&D Center, said, "This is the first time our paper has received the prize. The fact that the IAS evaluation committee chose us is a big satisfaction and motivation. We are proud of this achievement." Along with Israel Marines, a whole team participated in the investigation.
Tenaris gave a series of presentations at the event. Amongst others, Juan Carlos González, Product Development and Research Director, presented "Challenges Metalworkers of Non-Conventional Energy Sources."