Posted on 31 Oct 2012
Special Bar Quality technology for Brazil The new rolling mill for quality steel rounds at GerdauA?os Espe?iais in Pindamonhangaba (SP)
The new SBQ bar mill will enable Gerdau Group to expand its internal
market supply
to the automotive industry and other
special steel applications. The order, effective
from October 2010, foresees a Danieli
Centro Maskin billet grinder for surface defect
removal upstream of the rolling mill; a
new 110-tph walkinghearth Danieli Centro
Combustion reheating furnace; a
high-speed rougher with four SHS stands; an intermediate/prefinishing
mill with 10 SHS stands; and a
four-stand Kocks/Danieli RSB block as the finishing
mill for the range of SBQ round bars up
to 70 mm dia.