Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 15 Oct 2012

Siemens to modernize electric arc furnace for ArcelorMittal Esch-Belval in Luxemburg

Linz, Austria, 2012-Oct-18

ArcelorMittal Esch-Belval has awarded Siemens Metals Technologies an order to renew core components of its electric arc furnace in the Esch-sur-Alzette steel works in Luxemburg. The direct current electric arc furnace will receive a new lower shell with a fin-type anode, and a new EAF tilting platform. The new equipment will not only increase the production capacity and availability of the facility but also reduce conversion and maintenance costs. The upgraded electric arc furnace is scheduled to resume operation in April 2013.

Modernization of a DC EAF with new fin-type anode from Siemens. At ArcelorMittal Belval in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg, Siemens will upgrade a similar facility with new tilting platform, fin-type anode and shell by April 2013.

ArcelorMittal's electric steel plant in Esch-sur-Alzette comprises an electric arc furnace with a tapping weight of 157 tons, a continuous caster for billets, blooms and beam-blanks and a medium section rolling mill for the production of profiles and angles.

For the electric arc furnace, Siemens will supply a new bottom shell with a fin-type anode system, a lifting table for fast anode changes, and a new EAF tilting platform. The geometry of the furnace will also be optimized to increase the tapping weight from 157 to 162 tons. Additionally, the ratio between the height and diameter of the unit will be improved. This will increase the thermal efficiency of the furnace and consequently the power input. The modernization will shorten tap to tap times, lengthen the service life of the anode, increase availability and lower maintenance costs. The plant will also be easier to operate and safer to work in. The production capacity will increase overall by more than ten percent while at the same time conversion costs will fall.

Siemens will also be responsible for dismantling the old equipment, and installing and commissioning the new components. Siemens had previously modernized the upper shell in 2002.

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