Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 11 Sep 2012

The AIST Process Benchmarker? — Improving the Bottom Line

The Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) has partnered with Management Science Associates Inc. (MSA) to develop the AIST Process BenchmarkerTM (APB). The APB is an online database that serves as an analytical tool for tracking various production metrics between coke-, iron- and steelproducing companies. The mission of AIST is "to advance the technical development, production, processing and application of iron and steel," and the APB is one of the primary initiatives to actively pursue this goal. The system is being developed by the
AIST Technology Committees to improve the collective performance of the global industry through the sharing of key performance indicators (KPIs) among peers, while maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive company data.

This paper will give the reader some general knowledge of corporate benchmarking practices, describe the APB system functionality, and discuss the steps taken to develop the system.