Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 10 Sep 2012

CFSEI Publishes New Tech Notes Addressing Fire Assemblies, Screw Strength, ASTM Standards and Corrosion Protection in Coastal Areas

WASHINGTON, DC, September 6, 2012 —The Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute (CFSEI) has published four new documents in its ongoing Tech Notes series—"Fire Assemblies of Cold-Formed Steel Construction," "Evaluation of Screw Strength," "ASTM Standards for Cold-Formed Steel," and "Corrosion Protection for Cold-Formed Steel Framing in Coastal Areas." These Tech Notes are available for purchase at the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) online bookstore at

The CFSEI Tech Notes provide technical instruction on specific topics related to cold-formed steel framing for residential and commercial construction. The new documents include:

Fire Assemblies of Cold-Formed Steel Construction (Tech Note T100-12) — In most cases, load-bearing cold-formed steel sections are required to be fire-resistant when they are part of a compartment's wall or floor or when they support other floors. This Tech Note provides a comprehensive list of resources summarizing available tested fire-rated steel assemblies, building code requirements, test methods and applicable references. 

Evaluation of Screw Strength (Tech Note F701-12) —This Tech Note provides design guidance for the evaluation of screws when subjected to pure shear, pure tension and combined shear and tension in accordance with the North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members (AISI-S100-07 with 2010 Addendum).  It assists design engineers in evaluating the strength of screws when test data is not available.

ASTM Standards for Cold-Formed Steel (Tech Note G800-12) – This Tech Note provides an overview of the principal ASTM standards affecting cold-formed steel framing, which are often referenced in building codes and contractual documents. (ASTM International was formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials.)

Corrosion Protection for Cold-Formed Steel Framing in Coastal Areas (Tech Note D200-12) – This 2012 update outlines available corrosion-resistant materials for cold-formed steel framing members and makes recommendations for buildings at various distances from the ocean and for different exposure conditions within an individual building. 

The CFSEI maintains a Steel Framing Hotline to answer inquiries from construction professionals seeking cold-formed steel solutions for their projects. Suggestions for additional Tech Note topics are welcomed. The Steel Framing Hotline is accessible at 1-800-79-STEEL. 

The Cold-Formed Steel Engineers Institute comprises hundreds of structural engineers and other design professionals who are finding a better way to produce safe and efficient designs for commercial and residential structures with cold-formed steel. CFSEI members work together to develop and evolve industry standards and design methods, produce and issue technical bulletins, and provide seminars and online training to improve the knowledge and skills base of engineers and design professionals. For more information, visit

Debbie Bennett
Manager, SMDI and Construction Communications
Steel Market Development Institute
Tel: 202.452.7179