Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 09 Aug 2012

SMDI Launches Redesigned Bar Steel Fatigue Blog as New Design Tool for Automotive Engineers

DETROIT, August 1, 2012 – Building on the success of its Bar Steel Fatigue Database, the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI), a business unit of the American Iron and Steel Institute, is rolling out a redesigned Bar Steel Fatigue Blog, an online tool for automotive engineers looking for the latest fatigue innovations and information.

“Now in its 14th year, the Bar Steel Fatigue Database is accessed regularly by automotive engineers as the information and technologies are constantly evolving, providing additional time and cost efficiencies,” David Anderson, Senior Director, Automotive Technical Panel and Long Products Programs, said. “The blog will take this powerful tool to the next level as it creates new opportunities for interactive collaboration with fatigue and industry experts.”

The blog is open to participation by steel and ground vehicle OEM and supplier design engineers, powertrain/chassis engineers, materials engineers, application engineers and FEA simulation experts, as well as current users of the Bar Steel Fatigue Database and visitors to the SMDI Automotive Website. Topics for discussion include the comparison of the fatigue properties of high carbon steels for various processing cycles and the fatigue properties of medium carbon steels in both the normalized and quenched and tempered conditions.

Web users are invited to provide feedback on the various topics and post steel fatigue questions, which will build the online forum of information. To visit the blog, go to

Blog Administrator Dr. Thomas Oakwood brings more than 40 years of industry experience working in the steel and related industries, and was one of the founding developers of the AISI Bar Steel Fatigue Database. He holds a doctorate in metallurgical engineering from the University of Oklahoma.

The Bar Steel Fatigue Database was developed by the Bar Steel Fatigue Committee of SMDI’s Long Products Market Development Group, which is recognized as the “number one resource group” for expertise in the automotive bar and rod steel industry. Continued outreach programs like the blog ensure that LPMDG member companies develop product and manufacturing technology innovations and provide technology transfer to keep steel the material of choice.

Through the support of the Steel Market Development Institute, the Long Products Market Development Group is growing the market for value-added steel bar and rod products. With member companies and task forces--Automotive/Heavy Equipment and Construction/Infrastructure--the group is committed to developing innovative solutions to the challenges facing their customers and the steel industry. For more news or information, visit