Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 27 Jun 2012

ZHANGDIANG - Special Bar Quality (SBQ) for Automotive Industry

Chinese ZHANGDIANG IRON & STEEL WORKS placed an order with the German company FRIEDRICH KOCKS GmbH & Co KG, Hilden to revamp their existing bar mill. Target of this measure, by the implementing the KOCKS 3-roll Reducing- & Sizing Block [RSB] as the essential part, is the production increase of round bars in special bar qualities for the automotive industry. This will contribute to meet the ever increasing demand in this market segment as well as consolidate and even extend ZHANGDIANG’s own market position.
ZHANGDIANG IRON & STEEL WORKS are located in Zhiangdian, the central district of the city of Zibo in Shandong province, approx. 400 km south of the capital Beijing. Zibo is one of the 50 economically strongest cities in China; and today has a population of approx. 4.5 Million residents.
ZHANGDIANG, a state owned enterprise, was established in 1958 and was merged with SHANDONG Iron & Steel Group in 2008. It became the centre for the production of long products of the group. Today ZHANGDIANG has approx. 4800 employees and produces roughly 2.2 Million tons per year of bar, wire rod and deformed bar with one bar mill and two wire rod mills.
The new 300 mm Reducing & Sizing Block will be operated as finishing block in the 1,000,000 t/a rolling mill downstream the existing 18-stand roughing and intermediate mill. The 3-roll block is equipped with four stand positions and designed for controlled rolling at low temperatures. The heavy duty RSB rolls round bar in special bar qualities within the range from 18.0 mm ? to 60.0 mm ? in straight lengths onto the cooling bed.
The Reducing & Sizing Block allows rolling out of only one pass series from the roughing and intermediate mill and thus significantly reduces the number of required feeders. The RSB can produce any desired finished dimension of the complete dimensional range in any desired sequence with a minimum number of roll sets and just a few stand changes. The optimum adjustment values for motor speed, rolls and guides as well as gear steps are calculated by the bar mill configuration system BAMICON in relation to the final product.
The scope of supply comprises the 3-roll Reducing- & Sizing Block with automatic quick stand changing system, the roll shop with quick roll change, the mill configuration program BAMICON and CAPAS, the computer-aided system for accurate adjustment of rolls and guides of the 3-roll stands. Besides the supervision of erection, the commissioning and the training of customer personnel Kocks even bears the responsibility for the engineering of the thermo-mechanical rolling process.
All this will enable ZHANGDIANG IRON & STEEL WORKS to meet the set target and to consolidate and even extend the own market position with a trouble-free, economic production of high quality bars for the automotive industry.
Delivery of the 3-roll Reducing- & Sizing Block is foreseen for the third quarter of 2013.