Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 11 Apr 2012

ThyssenKrupp Uhde and the Mongolian government reach agreement on coal-to-liquids plant and heat recovery coke making plant in Mongolia

On 31 March 2012 the Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj visited North Rhine-Westphalia accompanied by a major business delegation during a five-day state visit to Germany.

On this occasion ThyssenKrupp Uhde and the representatives of the Mongolian government signed two Memoranda of Understanding relating to the development, engineering and construction of both a coal-to-liquids plant and a heat recovery coke making plant. Feasibility studies for the two projects had already been prepared at an earlier date. The result of the coal-to-liquids study was presented at the Mongolian CTG Project Conference in Ulan Bator in June 2008, and the heat recovery coke making plant study based on ThyssenKrupp Uhde's proprietary heat recovery coking technology was presented in December 2011.

At the same time as the Memoranda, ThyssenKrupp Uhde also signed a licensing agreement with the Ulan Bator-based company Industrial Corporation of Mongolia for use of ThyssenKrupp's proprietary PRENFLO? coal gasification technology.

"ThyssenKrupp Uhde is contributing proprietary technologies to both projects and will also be acting as general contractor," said Alfred Hoffmann, CTO and Member of ThyssenKrupp Uhde GmbH's Executive Board. Referring to the coal-to-liquids plant, he added: "This plant will enable us to offer the customer a holistic process solution from coal to synthetic fuel."

The Mongolian government has been intending to limit fossil fuel imports for quite some time and instead to increasingly utilise its abundant domestic coal deposits. It has therefore set itself the goal of upgrading this domestic coal and converting it into high-grade chemical and petrochemical products. As a primary measure, the Mongolian government intends to build a coal-to-liquids plant in Mongolia to produce synthetic fuels from coal.

"We are extremely glad that for several years now we have had a partner in ThyssenKrupp Uhde whose experience and expertise in the EPC business can be relied on in every possible way," said Batsukh Yadamsuren, Director of ICM. "The chemical plants on which Mongolia has set its sights are huge and complex," added Mr Yadamsuren. "Therefore, we need an experienced single-source chemical EPC contractor and licensor if we are to satisfy the expectations of the financiers and operators."

ThyssenKrupp Uhde is a global leader in coal gasification with over 70 years experience in the field. Since the company was founded in 1921, ThyssenKrupp Uhde has built more than 2,000 plants.

"Our PRENFLO? solids gasifier forms the heart of the coal-to-liquids plant," said Claudio Marsico, Sales Director in the Gas Technologies division of ThyssenKrupp Uhde. "Its state-of-the-art design with multiple horizontally arranged burners, a cooled membrane wall with a long lifetime, dry dust feed for coal dust and maximum capacity per gasifier will contribute to the cost efficiency of the coal-to-liquids plant," added Mr Marsico.  

With its proprietary solids gasification technologies, PRENFLO? (entrained-flow gasification) and HTWTM (fluidised-bed gasification), ThyssenKrupp Uhde is able to take almost all available feedstocks, such as hard coal and lignite, high-ash coal, petcoke, various biomasses or household waste, and convert them into highly lucrative products.  PRENFLO? and HTWTM have already been selected often by different customers in the recent past for worldwide projects for the generation of electricity, hydrogen, gasoline, diesel, chemical products and for direct reduction in the steel industry. 

In signing the Memoranda and the licensing agreement, ThyssenKrupp Uhde is playing a key role in implementing the agreement regarding cooperation in the raw materials, industrial and technological sectors, as concluded between the German and Mongolian governments on 13 October 2011.