Posted on 18 Nov 2010
The 2010 SEAISI Training Programme with the theme "6-Sigma application in developing quality steel products by POSCO" was held in
The Training Programme was fully supported by POSCO, Korea Iron and Steel Association (KOSA), TaeguTec, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co,Ltd and Hyundai Motor Company.
The first two days of training were conducted at Pohang Works, POSCO. It was an enriching experience for the participants. They visited the POSCO museum with the futuristic building set among the green, yellow and red leaves of the trees in the autumn season. The participants were given a guided tour of the museum with a narration on the history of the iron and steel industry in
The narration covered "Iron in human history in
The museum tour was followed by a company briefing at POSCO's
In the afternoon on the first day, there was a presentation on POSCO's innovation activities covering Introduction to POSCO, History of Management Innovation, Innovation of "Way of Working" and Key Success Factor. The participants then visited the "Endless Rolling Mill" in the Hot Strip Mill as an example of the best practice of innovation activities. The first day training programme at Pohang Works ended with a presentation by the Korea Iron and Steel Association
The second day of training was on Quick Six Sigma (QSS). The lecturer described how POSCO succeeded in changing the mind of its employees to bring the company to be one of the best steel producers in the world. He also explained how POSCO strived to create the best environment for all employees where they could enjoy their work and at the same time continue to make innovations and improvements without producing waste. The participants were shown the best practice of QSS in the Blending Area of Sinter Plant, Maintenance Department and Cold Rolling Mill.
On the third day, participants were taken on plant tour to TaeguTec, Hyundai Heavy Industries and Hyundai Motor Company. TaeguTec's history began in April 1916 in Gangwon Do, after the Sang Dong mine was discovered. Since the mine's discovery, TaeguTec has surfaced as a leading manufacturing company supplying cutting tools and industrial products such as tungsten carbide rolls and tungsten powder to the global manufacturing industry. TaeguTec also leverage on advance technology from abroad for the development and production of a broad range of cutting tools to enable TaeguTec to serve the global metal cutting market.
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) built the world's largest shipyard in 1972. With creative wisdom and pioneering spirit, HHI rose to the position of the world's top shipbuilder and turned
Founded in 1967, Hyundai Motor launched
Besides serious training, the participants were also given a chance to know the original ancient culture of the Korean people when they were taken on a tour to the ancient city of
On the last day, the participants were taken on a tour of Gwangyang Works, POSCO. Unlike the
The five day training programme in
SEAISI would like to convey its deepest appreciation to POSCO, KOSA, TaeguTec Ltd, Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd and Hyundai Motor Corporation for their excellent arrangement and hospitality. We would also like to thank all the training participants for your support and cooperation.
SEAISI, November 2010