News Room - Steel Industry

Posted on 06 May 2020

US proposes dropping some duties on large-diameter pipe steel

The US Department of Commerce has proposed a partial revocation of antidumping duty orders on imports of large-diameter welded pipe steel from Greece and India, finding that certain products are not made in the US at a sufficient capacity, according to a preliminary notice published in the Federal Register Tuesday.

During Commerce's changed circumstance review of the orders, domestic producers issued a statement saying they do not currently produce the particular large-diameter welded pipe products subject to the review.

Products proposed to be excluded from the orders include Grade X60, X65, or X70, 18-inch to 24-inch outside diameter, and wall thickness of 0.688-inch to 0.750-inch wall thickness.

"The domestic producers' statement that the investment needed for the industry to produce these products far exceeds the potential benefit of such an investment, given that the US market for deep offshore projects, the primary market for the large diameter welded pipe product groups at issue, is relatively small," Commerce said.

Greek welded pipe producer Corinth requested the changed circumstance review.

Imports of large-diameter welded pipe from Greece were assigned a final antidumping rate of 9.96% in February 2019, while imports of these products from India were assigned a final AD rate of 50.55% in November 2018. 

Source:S&P Global Platts