Posted on 09 Apr 2020
ArcelorMittal Bremen has commissioned AI company Smart Steel Technologies to introduce its “SST Casting Optimisation AI” and “SST Surface Inspection AI” software products.
According to SST, these AI solutions serve to optimise the continuous casting process and automated surface inspection. ArcelorMittal Bremen will permanently reduce downgradings due to surface defects, and will install a system for AI-supported analysis of production data to implement effective further optimisation measures.
Smart Steel Technologies says it will also improve surface inspection for ArcelorMittal Bremen with a centralised, cross-plant aggregation of all detections and application of robust defect classifiers
based on SST’s proprietary Deep Learning technology. The implementation of the optimisation measures in production will take place after a project duration of six months. ArcelorMittal Bremen, claims SST, will quickly benefit from a substantial increase in quality and a cost reduction in quality.
“We have observed very closely the outstanding performance of Smart Steel Technologies at ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt. The same quality optimisation project is underway there. The results are convincing. So it is only logical to take this step in Bremen as well”, commented Reiner Blaschek, chairman of the board, ArcelorMittal Bremen.
Source:Steel Times International