Posted on 05 Jun 2024
With this NewsFlash we complete the report of the numerous visits offered to the guests of the Fifth Danieli Innovaction Meeting that took place at Danieli Headquarters, telling you about the Q-One power feeder serving the EAF at ABS Sisak in Croatia; and the QSP-DUE casting-rolling plant for flexible, quality hot-strip production at Shougang Jingtang in China.
ABS Sisak
The electric steel meltshop of ABS Sisak, in Croatia, features a 68-tph electric-arc furnace, refining and vacuum degasser stations, and a caster that produces 350,000 tpy of special steel billets and blooms, mainly for automotive applications.
Hybrid by design, Q-One power feeder ensures the most efficient digital control of the EAF, with a negligible impact on the power grid.
The Q-One installed at ABS Sisak was the first large-size industrial installation for this technology, which replaced an existing, conventional furnace transformer. It is in operation since 2019 and consists of four medium-voltage power units and four transformers, 10.5 MVA+20%, for a 42 MW max. arc power.
Its installation led to a reduced tap-to-tap time of 17% (meaning more productivity), power savings of 6% and electrodes saving of 18%. In addition to continuous current and voltage control, Q-One allows frequency management for lower consumption and improved arc stability.
The installation of Q-One at ABS Sisak allowed the continuity of operation in an area with a weak power network.
Q-One technology is applied to electric-arc and ladle furnaces; operating with Q-One power feeder does not require SVCs. Ideally, Q-One is provided along with endless scrap / DRI charge and Q-Melt process control suite for dynamic, adaptive control.
Shougang Jingtang
Chinese Shougang Jingtang is the first steelmaker in the world operating a Danieli QSP-DUE® slab casting-rolling plant where three rolling modes –endless, semi-endless and coil-to-coil– are available in a single line. This unique characteristic leads to maximum production flexibility in supplying quality hot-rolled coils in thicknesses ranging from 0.8 to 12.7 mm and widths between 900 and 1,600 mm, with real-time, dynamic adjustment of both thicknesses and widths, rolling mainly 110-mm-thick slabs.
The plant is capable of producing 2.1 Mtpy of quality hot-rolled coils from commodity grades to advanced high-strength steels.
Located in the Caofeidian industrial area, Tangshan City, Shougang Jingtang QSP-DUE Quality Strip Plant featuring Danieli Universal Endless technology has been delivering quality HRC since its startup in 2019.
The line consists of a single-strand, vertical-curved DySen caster, 80-m tunnel furnace including shuttle, 3+5 hot-strip mill with intermediate Q-Heat® induction heating system for transfer bar heating during endless production for ultra-thin gauges, and true thermo-mechanical rolling process.
Stay tuned to learn more about the Fifth Danieli Innovaction Meeting 2024.