News Room - Trade Measure

Posted on 17 May 2024

Australia lifts AD duties on precision pipe from China and S. Korea

The Australian Anti-Dumping Commission has announced the results of its exemption inquiry regarding the antidumping (AD) duties on precision pipe (pipe) imports from China.

Accordingly, the commission has exempted precision pipe (pipe) and tube steel under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Number 7306.30.00.30 imported from China and South Korea from antidumping measures. The inquiry was initiated on March 16, 2023 following an application lodged by Australian producer MT Sullivan & Co Pty Ltd. Meanwhile, the products under codes 7306.30.00, 7306.50.00 and 7306.61.00 imported from China and South Korea still face antidumping duties at
6.2 percent for South Korea and 19.7 percent for China.

In August 2022, the commission exempted precision pipes imported from China and South Korea falling under the HS codes 7306.30.00.30, 7306.50.00.45, and 7306.61.00.21 from antidumping measures, retroactively from September 29, 2021, as SteelOrbis previously reported.

Source:Steel Orbis