Posted on 26 Dec 2023
Tosyali Algerie is set to conclude the latest phase of its capacity expansion by 2025. The mill is adding to its site a new DRI-EAF steelmaking unit and HRC-CRC lines to become a supplier of flat products for the domestic and international markets.
The new 2.5 million tonnes/year DRI plant and 2.4m t/y EAF, as well as 2m t/y hot strip mill will be commissioned during 2024, Tosyali Algerie’s Mohammad R. Siddiqui and Saiyad Sajid write in the latest Midrex quarterly report. CRC and galvanized coil output – at 800,000 t/y and 400,000 t/y respectively – will commence in 2025.
These will be added to the existing capacity for long products – rebar and wire rod – and to the existing DRI-EAF capacity. “The new DRI plant will produce HDRI and CDRI with the capability to operate with increased percentages of hydrogen in the future,” according to the report sent to Kallanish.
In 2023, Tosyali Algerie expects to produce a new record level of 2.3mt of DRI. This compares to 2.2mt output in 2022. Discussions have started between the steelmaker and Midrex over the possibility of installing a third DRI unit capable of using hydrogen.