News Room - Trade Measure

Posted on 13 Sep 2023

India extends anti-dumping duties on Chinese steel wheels

India has extended for five years anti-dumping duties on flat-base steel wheels imports originating in China, following a Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) recommendation.

“The subject goods are likely to enter the Indian market at dumped prices if the anti-dumping duties in force cease to operate,” DGTR said in its investigation. “The evidence of export price indicates that the Chinese exporters are exporting the goods to third countries at significantly dumped and injurious prices.”

“The Indian industry does not gain any undue advantage on the extension of existing duties. There is healthy competition in the Indian market and continuation of the duties would not deprive the user industry of any requirements,” DGTR added.

According to India’s finance ministry, the definitive anti-dumping duty on cost and freight price will be $613/tonne. The definitive anti-dumping duties are imposed for a period of five years from 11 September 2023, Kallanish notes.

The products affected are flat base steel wheels of nominal diameter, 16-20", originating in or exported from China.
