Posted on 02 May 2019
Hot testing has begun for the innovative Danieli Universal Endless (DUE®) plant of Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. (SGJT), in Caofeidian, P.R. of China. For the first time ever, coil-to-coil and endless, thermo-mechanical and multi-phase, ultra-thin and thick products all will be possible in a single production line, making both value-added niche products as well as commercial-grade products.
Shougang Jingtang’s DUE® plant will produce 2,100,000 tpy in a wide mix of steel grades and strip dimensions from 0.8 to 12.7 mm thickness and widths from 900 to 1,600 mm. In mid-April the hot test of the caster area started as per schedule, and within a few days several heats of LC and MC grades had been cast.
The target was achieved as per the SGJT plan, producing 110-mm thick, 1420-mm wide slabs. By the end of April, the mill also started rolling tests.
This startup represents a milestone in modern flat products production. The DUE® layout configuration, together with effective and optimized energy consumption, now represents the most extensive application of Danieli’s concept of production flexibility