Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 21 Sep 2017

Emirates Steel sets new record in DRI production

Energiron DRI plant #2 reached 105% availability over the last 12 months

During the last twelve months, Emirates Steel DRP #2 has set new production and availability records of more than 2,000,000 tons of high quality DRI, operating for more than 8,400 hours (equal to 105% net availability) and for 315 days continuously without any stoppage, confirming the reliability of the Energiron technology.

Emirates Steel operates in Abu Dhabi, two twin Energiron DRI plants supplied by Danieli on EPC basis, originally designed for a nominal capacity of 1.6 Mtpy of hot and cold DRI at 94% metallization and 2.5% carbon. The first plant had been started-up in 2009, while the second one in 2011.

Both plants followed a smooth learning curve that resulted in 90% availability in the first three years for Plant #1 and 95% availability in only two years for Plant #2.

In 2014 both DRPs were upgraded from 1.6 to 2.0 Mtpy, reaching 100% stable production in only six months.

Since then Emirates Steel is steadily operating the Energiron plants at their increased nominal capacity (2.0 Mtpy), producing high-quality hot DRI conveyed to the adjacent Danieli EAFs through the Hytemp pneumatic transport system, thus optimizing the downstream steelmaking process.

Danieli congratulates Emirates Steel on this remarkable achievement.

Energiron is the result of the strategic alliance between Tenova HYL and Danieli to competitively serve the Direct Reduction plants market.