Posted on 14 Aug 2017
Higher productivity and effective environmental protection
The start-up of the third converter at Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (Vizag Steel) in India marked the successful completion by SMS group of the modernization of converter shop No. 1. The modernization will help to increase annual steel production from three to 3.5 million tons while achieving highly effective environmental protection.
“With SMS group we have a reliable partner by our side and this is especially important when handling highly complex modernization projects. We are fully satisfied with the performance of the converters upgraded by SMS group”, says Ponnapalli Madhusudan, Chairman and Managing Director of Vizag Steel Plant.
The third converter was started up in May 2017, 18 days before the target deadline. Always two converters had been in full operation throughout the duration of the modernization project. Both the main and ancillary facilities of shop No. 1 have been equipped with X-Pact® electrical and automation systems.
Following the revamp and modernization of the environmental facilities, the plant is now able to meet the customer's high requirements in this respect.
The scope of supply of SMS group comprised the engineering and manufacture of core components for three new 150-ton converter vessels. The vessels are equipped with the SMS group-developed maintenance-free lamella-type suspension system, bottom stirring equipment for combined blowing, oxygen lance systems, as well as converter tilt drives manufactured in the SMS group workshop.
The primary dedusting system has been upgraded, and the three converters have been provided with new secondary dedusting systems. The gas cleaning system is designed as a wet dust-collection facility with venturi scrubber. All erection and commissioning activities were performed by SMS group.
SMS group has built another X-Melt® converter shop for Vizag Steel at the same location. Converter shop No. 2 is designed to produce 2.8 million tons of liquid steel annually.
Vizag Steel saw a successful start-up of its converter shop after the modernization by SMS group.