Posted on 17 Jul 2017
At 19:00 June 29th, 2017 (Vietnam local time), WISDRI’s overseas business delivered triumphant news once again. China City Environment Protection Engineering Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as CCEPC) of WISDRI, with help and support of WISDRI’s leaderships, and coordination of WISDRI’s overseas platform, has successfully entered into contract with Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel Joint Stock Company for providing engineering, equipment supply, erection and technical service (EPC) of Thermal Power Plant of Hoa Phat Dung Quat Integrated Steel Project phase 1 & 2.
This project functions for power generation by full using waste heat recovered from coke oven off-gas, steam generated from coke dry quenching, excessive BFG , etc. for power generation, which can achieve remarkable results in plant-wide energy conservation and emission reduction. The project consists of two phases. Phase I, which is scheduled to start up in December 2018, include 4×70t/h high temperature high pressure coke oven waste heat boiler+ desulfurization and dedusting system coke oven off-gas + 1×90t/h high temperature high pressure gas-fired boiler + 2×60MW condensing steam turbine generator unit and the auxiliary facilities. Phase II, which is scheduled to start up in June 2019, includes 4 × 70t/h high temperatures high pressure coke oven waste heat boiler+ desulfurization and dedusting system of coke oven off-gas + 1×90t/h high temperature high pressure gas-fired boiler+ 2×60MW condensing steam turbine generator unit and auxiliary facilities.
Zang Zhonghai, general manager of WISDRI, in company with He Yuesheng (WISDRI senior experts), Weng Limin (vice president of WISDRI’s Iron and Steel Company), Du Dejun (vice director of CCEPC overseas marketing department), Zhang Liping (CCEPC overseas marketing director), and Chenxi, Shanliang (overseas marketing managers of WISDRI), was present at the signing ceremony and witnessed the contract signing.
Succeeding Hoa Phat’s steelmaking contract, the captioned EPC project is the second contract that WISDRI has signed with Hoa Phat to provide the main process equipment, which reflects owner’s trust on WISDRI and further breakthrough of WISDRI in Vietnam market, on the one hand, and, signifies WISDRI’s substantial upgrading in comprehensive brand influence and competitiveness in global market.