Posted on 07 Jul 2017
New 3Q automation and revamp of the run-out area for improved product range, maintenance operations, and operators’ safety
Since 1986 Danieli has supplied Ferriera Valsabbia with two billet casters, and supported the Italian steelmaker with several upgrades to improve the overall competitiveness of casting operations.
The latest update, of the 6-strand billet caster, basically consisted in new automation and new billet discharging system which made possible to expand the product range, from 150 to 160-mm square billets with lengths now up to 12-m.
The new ergonomic control pulpit features the advanced 3Q technologies including L1 and L2 process control system supplied by Danieli Automation, which simplifies plant operation with intuitive controls and minimum operator’s intervention.
The overall project was carried out in four months from order to beginning of on-site works, followed by an erection period of only four-weeks.
Danieli billet caster process control pulpit during the plant restart
Congratulation between teams after the successful restart of the upgraded billet caster