Posted on 27 Jun 2017
Durgapur Steel Plant to expand casting sections on Danieli bloom caster
SAIL has ordered a new, 300x150 mm casting section for the 4-strand bloom caster supplied by Danieli in 2015, in operation at Durgapur Steel Plant. The purpose of the upgrade is to fill the gap in the requirements of the medium structural mill.
The new order was assigned to Danieli on turnkey basis, and comprises engineering of the section change-over equipment, supply, installation and commissioning.
Danieli has supplied two, casters to SAIL -DSP, to produce blooms and rounds of section 200x200 mm, 210x160 mm, 230x160 mm, 300x150 mm, 350x150 mm, 350x240 mm and Dia.340 mm. Important alloys like wheel grades, High Strength/Low Alloy structural steels with climate resistance, and structural steels are being cast at DSP. Two “other” casters???
SAIL has been the leading steel maker in India over the last several decades, and today it operates steel plants located in Durgapur – one of its earliest locations, Bokaro, Bhilai, Rourkela, Burnpur, and Salem. On completion of the ongoing expansion program, DSP will have an installed capacity of 2.2 mtpy.
Contract signing at Durgapur. From right to left Mr. U.K. Pathak, Executive Director (SAIL – DSP) and Mr. Sridhar Rao, Vice President (Danieli India)