Posted on 10 Apr 2017
Coiler for high-strength grades and thick strips
Chinese Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. has contracted SMS group to supply a new coiler for its Zhanjiang hot strip mill. The machine will be specifically designed to coil high-strength grades and thick strips. The first coil is scheduled to be produced at the end of 2017.
The 2,250-millimeter hot strip mill at Baosteel Zhanjiang mill, supplied by SMS group, started operation at the end of 2015. It has a designed annual capacity of 5.5 million tons and is designed to produce hot strip with final thicknesses between 1.2 and 25.4 millimeters and widths from 800 to 2,100 millimeters.
The new coiler will be positioned downstream two existing coilers installed as part of the first construction phase. The new one will be designed for strips of greater final thicknesses and higher strengths, such as tube and pipe steels of strength classes X100 and X120 or ultra-high-strength strips of 1,200 N/mm².
To coil such materials, the new coiler will be equipped with reinforced mechanical components such as a pinch roll unit and hold-down rolls with aprons for safe and reliable wrapping of the strip head around the coiler mandrel.