Posted on 11 Apr 2017
In January, Posco, a Korean steel producer, brought LD (BOF) converter no. 1 back into operation after modernization in steel works no. 1 at its Gwangyang site. In the course of the project, Primetals Technologies had equipped the converter with a new tilting drive. The tilting drive is designed for a long service life and ease of maintenance, and still has dimensioning and performance reserves. Emergency drives ensure almost 100% availability. For critical states, such as power failure or peak loads, a special safety concept was implemented that maximizes personal and operational safety. Primetals Technologies received the modernization order at the end of 2015. Posco thoroughly modernized the converter, which had been constructed in the 1980s and had reached the end of its service life. Primetals Technologies was responsible for the engineering and delivery of the tilting drive, as well as for consulting services for its installation and commissioning. The remaining converter components were installed by Posco. The modernization took place while the other two converters in steel works no. 1 remained in operation and, as a result of the good cooperation between Posco and Primetals Technologies, was completed five days before the scheduled deadline.