Posted on 20 Apr 2017
Korean steel maker Hyundai Steel issued the final acceptance certificate (FAC) for a continuous bloom casting machine supplied by Primetals Technologies to the Dangjin production facility. The caster is designed to produce 1.1 million metric tons of blooms per year. It is part of a new plant set up for the production of special steels for the automotive industry, for which Primetals Technologies also supplied a bar mill and a wire rod mill. The order had been awarded to Primetals Technologies in early 2014. The caster was started up in October 2015, one month ahead of schedule. Hyundai Steel, situated in Incheon and Seoul, South Korea, belongs to the Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group and runs six production facilities in South Korea and a further one in China. The company has finished constructing a new plant at the Dangjin site to produce special steels for the automotive industry. In future, bar and wire are to be produced here as primary material for engine and gearbox parts. Annual production of 400,000 metric tons of wire rod and 600,000 metric tons of straight bar and bar-in-coil is planned. The four-strand continuous bloom caster from Primetals Technologies has an annual capacity of 1.1 million metric tons. The caster is equipped with the mold-monitoring system Mold Expert. In combination with Dynacs 3D secondary cooling system and DynaGap 3D fully automatic roll-gap control with dynamic soft reduction in the strand guidance system ensure a uniformly high quality of the blooms cast. Still hot, these are then fed for direct use in the section rolling lines. This saves energy during reheating and improves operating safety because there is no need for transport of blooms, for example by crane. Special mechatronics packages and an integrated automation solution ensure the necessary high product quality throughout the plant.