Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 23 Aug 2016

Saarstahl rolls first billet on high-speed wire rod mill in Burbach, Germany, upgraded by SMS group

High quality, more flexible production and improved plant availability

At its location in Burbach, Saarstahl AG has successfully taken into operation the high-speed wire rod mill modernized by SMS group.

To employ larger initial pass sections (180 mm²), enhance the rolling conditions and secure competitiveness on the long term, Saarstahl commissioned SMS group at the end of 2014 to expand the one-strand roughing mill of its four-strand wire rod mill at its Burbach location. Apart from the expansion of the four-stand roughing mill by two additional stands, this upgrade included a shear, a four-strand switch and a four-strand pinch roll unit. On August 14, 2016, the expanded wire rod mill was handed over to the customer on time ready for production operation.

With the expansion of the one-strand roughing mill different leading pass sections can now be employed without conversion measures. The final cross-section from the roughing mill is the same for all input cross-sections and is then distributed onto the four strands of the wire rod mill by means of the new switch.

"Due to the modernization, the high quality of our products and the plant availability of our high-performance train has improved yet again and we are able to react to individual needs of the customers even faster and more flexible," said Martin Baues, CTO at Saarstahl.

With its German locations in Völklingen, Burbach and Neunkirchen, Saarstahl AG is one of the leading manufacturers of quality steel in the world for rolled and forged finished products. One of the most important production facilities is the four-strand high-speed wire rod mill in Burbach which was initially put into service by SMS group in 1973 and which has now been repeatedly expanded by SMS group.

First hot billet in the modernized wire rod mill.