Posted on 05 Aug 2016
In December 2015 INTECO received the order for the revamping of an existing FUCHS Shaft OBT EAF (100t) to a Shaft EBT EAF (120t).
INTECO designed this modernisation project to accomplish all engineering features such as lower shell, upper shell, tilting frame, watercooled panels and slag door. The change in tapping technology has been decided by Jiansu Shagang Group to improve the meltdown operations of the EAF - utilizing up to 60% of hot metal in the charge.
Due to the increased hot heel the operational practices of the revamped Shaft EBT have been improved considerably. The new design allows the full utilization of the transformer and a full usage of the chemical energy package in particular.
Furthermore, INTECO supported the customer’s team during installation and commissioning on site. The first heat was started on June 14th and since then the furnace has been in continuous operation without any interruption.
This modernisation improves the operational practice with variable hot metal charging and provides an absolute flexibility on raw material to Jiangsu Shagang.