Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 14 Jun 2016

JSW Steel issues final acceptance for new process optimization in two steel works in Vijayanagar

Primetals Technologies has received the final acceptance certificate from JSW Steel for the new process automation system in a total of 25 subsystems in the SMS-1 und SMS-2 steel works in Vijayanagar, in the Indian state of Karnataka. The integrated automation solution also includes production monitoring and ladle tracking systems. It enables production and process data to be exchanged seamlessly between different units, and all subsystems to run with consistently optimized coordination. JSW Steel can now increase production and further improve product quality with the aid of optimized process sequences. The individual units were commissioned in stages within a tight schedule less than twelve months after the contract was signed. 

New process automation systems were installed in steel works SMS-1 for two hot metal pre-treatment stations, each with a capacity of 100 metric tons, three 100 metric ton hot metal desulfurization stations, two ladle furnaces, each with a tapping weight of 135 metric tons, and four single-strand continuous slab casters. The existing basic automation system was also modernized in one of the casting machines. The process optimization systems of seven hot metal desulfurization stations and four ladle furnaces were modernized in steel works SMS-2. Both steel works were equipped with a ladle tracking system and central production monitoring. The scope of services also included the engineering and the supply of all the hardware and standard software, as well as the computer networks for both steel works. A user-friendly HMI system simplifies the operation of all plants. Some parts of the new process automation are web-based, and allow selective data access via the company intranet or the Internet. All the production and process data are archived for later evaluation, and can be analyzed in an extensive reporting system. 

JSW Steel is India's leading private steel producer, and has an installed annual production capacity of 14.3 million metric tons. The company currently has six plants in India: Vijayanagar in the state of Karnataka, Salem in Tamil Nadu, Tarapur in Vasind, and Kalmeshwar and Dolvi in Maharahstra. JSW Steel is part of the JSW Group, which also runs a plate and pipe plant in the USA.