Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 03 May 2016

Tenova to supply iRecovery technology to Arvedi plant

Tenova has been appointed by Arvedi Group, one of the leading European steelmaking companies, to design and supply an iRecovery system to be installed at the Arvedi factory based in Cremona, Italy. This new system will be implemented to an existing Tenova Consteel system, which heats and feeds metallic charge to a 250-t Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), one of the largest in the World, for a combination of heat recovery and environmental sustainability. The start-up of the system is scheduled to take place at the beginning of 2017.

Heat recovery technology brings advantages during the operation phase, and the energy recovered can be flexibly used to process steam, heating purposes and power generation. At Arvedi, the Tenova iRecovery® system will recover 34,3 MW average of thermal power from the EAF production, corresponding to 52 t/h of average steam production, which will feed an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbo-generator provided by Turboden to produce electric energy (up to 7,5 MW) for Arvedi's internal use. Furthermore, Arvedi's steel plant will have a saving on electric energy consumption with a consequent reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 23 300 t/y. The ORC turbo-generator will be supplied by Turboden.Energy optimization is one of the main topics for the steel industry. The iRecovery system can be installed to recover the energy from every kind of Electric Arc Furnaces and the combination of Consteel and iRecovery is among the most cutting-edge innovations that Tenova has introduced to the market. It is a solution that guarantees reduction in consumption, cost saving, efficiency and environmental sustainability. Nowadays, Tenova looks at a currently installed base of 45 Consteel systems and 5 iRecovery system on Electric Arc Furnaces. An additional 5 new orders for the last generation systems – Consteel Evolution and iRecovery – will be commissioned within the next two years.Tenova, Milan