CMC Alabama has successfully commissioned a MOTANK system from MORE srl, Italy.
The Motank system utilizes a remote controlled ram to provide slag door cleaning in CMC’s 80-ton EAF. The machine comprises a remote-controlled truck equipped with a horizontal arm that eliminates the need for a man driven forklift, thus helping to reduce the helps to the risk of worker injuries.
Motank also helps to eliminate scrap buildup at the slag door when bucket charging by pushing the scrap deep into the furnace, away from the slag door. This also helps to avoid dropping scrap down into the slag pit.
By removing excess slag deposits, the automated equipment also helps the operating crew restore furnace operation after tapping and quickly regenerate its working level.
CMC Steel Alabama produces a wide range of standard and high-strength grade steels. Their strong commitment to safety has enabled CMC Steel Alabama to be recognized twice by the Steel Manufacturers Association as the safest steel mini mill in North America.
MORE has a scorecard of 16 MOTANK systems supplied or under manufacturing worldwide, thus reconfirming our undisputed leadership in the supply of safety equipment to serve the steelmaking industry.