Tata Steel founded India’s first industrial city, now Jamshedpur, where it established India’s first integrated steel plant in 1907.
The Jamshedpur Works currently comprise a 9.7-Mtpy crude steel
production facility and a variety of finishing mills. Right now the Tata
Steel Group is among the top ten global steel companies with an annual
crude steel capacity of nearly 30 million tons. After almost 15 years of
operation, the existing recoiling line n°1 in Jamshedpur is no longer
able to fully satisfy production requirements. After several rounds of
detailed technical and commercial discussions and comparisons, Tata
Steel has selected the revamping technology and equipment proposed by
Danieli for this project. To renew the existing line Danieli will
supply: a new side trimmer with the scrap baller, a horizontal and
vertical inspection station, a hydraulic power unit, a new CPC and
steering roll unit.
Danieli Automation will supply the electrical and automation systems for the new equipment and to upgrade the existing systems.
This project has led to a fruitful cooperation between two important players in the steel industry.