Technology & Steel Application - News

Posted on 14 Mar 2016

Sund Birsta Will Modernize Wire Rod Coil Handling & Compacting, at OJSC MMK, Russia

The two-strand wire rod mill supplied by Danieli in 2005 has been operating continuously with good results and now, after more than 10 years of production, MMK finds it necessary to add a second compactor to its handling system.

The original compactor from Sund Birsta has been performing very well, processing all the finished produtcs from the two strands.
Sund Birsta will supply the latest version of its Alfa compactor, the PCH-Alfa2, in which both hydraulic and electric functions are perfectly tuned to get the best efficiency available. This compactor will use a controlled circuit that generates hydraulic power only when needed during an operating cycle. This ensures that electrical consumption is minimized, in comparison to traditional pressure compensated compactors.
The Alfa2 also is equipped with electrical gear motor-driven feeding units to feed and stretch the binding wire effectively. The well-proven KNB hydraulic binding units, will apply the strong and reliable parallel knots for which Sund Birsta compactors are famous.

With a scorecard of more than 500 coil compactors supplied worldwide, Sund Birsta has developed a deep understanding of the process; and its unbeaten technology in wire rod handling makes it a valuable and trustworthy partner.
The new compactor will be supplied to MMK in late summer 2016.