The new line, to be installed in Binh Dinh province, Vietnam, will produce 180,000 tpy of finished coils, with aluminium and zinc coats down to 30 GSM, for high-quality paint and roofing applications.
Among the most relevant technical features on the complete line:
> The Electrical Annealing Furnace designed to reduce the plant's carbon footprint.
> The dual-pot configuration and retractable snout design will allow coating strips with Al-Zn or GI (future).
> The innovative X-Jet wiping system for precise control of final coating thickness.
Danieli Automation will provide a closed-loop control system which will improve metal yield. Plant commissioning activities will take place in the second half of 2016. Post-commissioning assistance will ensure Hoa Sen the best plant performances and production costs.
Founded in 2001, Hoa Sen occupies a prominent position in the manufacture and sale of steel sheets in Vietnam with a 40% of local market share in coated steel product, and is the leading exporter of steel sheets in Southeast Asia.